Coaching and my Values

I first understood the value of coaching when I became a UX team lead over five years ago. I had no ambition to lead a team before, but for the first time I enjoyed the creative aspect of the work and the team members were top notch. I had no formal management or coaching training, so I just used my instincts and the values I believed should be part of healthy team. After doing this sometime and focusing on people's strengths I realised by using carefully phrased question people would could reach realisations and help themselves. This was a powerful insight for me and I decided to dig deeper into coaching.

The ‘Steel Man’ debate method

Recently I cam across a debate method that I found really effective.

I was introduced to this method on the The Long Now Foundation. I cant recommend the content on this site enough for some some thorough presentations of important topics. They group focuses on taking the long view of addressing problems (think ‘slower/better’ instead of ‘faster/cheaper’) and the power of debate to change minds.